
Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Tonight we've got a RRRREALLY BIG SHOE


Spalding Gray
is still missing: Found this out in a few blogs. Deeply troubling. I've loved Spalding for years, back when I thought I was going to be another monologuist and take over the theater. Instead, now you can talk to yourself in places like this and see if anyone wants to hear you ramble.
Spalding doesn't have a really strong internet presence, but you can surf more about it over here. I hope he show up, soon and well.
People can be snarky about anything: but it's not always such a good idea.
WHORE!: Herbzipper has been around FOREVER, but if you haven't seen it, you're missing out. Make sure to have sex with Herb while you're there.
Klaatu Barada Nikto: The Band. Contributor to much Beatles conspiracy theory.
KRAZY KEITH'S (almost complete) "ATE MY BALLS" LINKS PAGE!: In the future, when our kids are going to be "interfacing" via inhalable computers and the internet is actually larger and more complex than the concrete universe, your eighty eight year old ass is going to have to explain the "Ate My Balls" phenomena without making your entire generation sound like a horse's ass. Good luck with that.
Recorded Screams Coming from Hell: Downloadable, so you can relax with it over a martini. Also drop by here for the updated version. I KNEW they'd play that "bodies hit the floor" song in hell... probably that goddamn "Woo-Hoo" song too.
The Thai Elephant Orchestra: I actually OWN this album; it was a gift from an ex-roomie who did a radio show. Good for two things: falling asleep to and being able to whip out the case when your hipster friends say "Dude, what the fuck IS this new age nonsense?"
"Pile of shit, bulk": Someone PLEASE get me the shit hat.
The International Church of Pie: Save your fork... there's pie. This is really well thought out. I'm having a hard time navigating (tripod/angelfire sites=real shit hat), but it's tremendously well thought out. (via Bifurcated Rivets)
Slim Goodbody: Yo, Slim was DA SHIT back in th' day, son. WTF happened to his hair, tho? Make sure to give "Lubba Dubba" a listen.
When Ginger Snaps: No, not the film. The concept. Run, run as fast as you can; you're still a cookie. You can't run. I'll eat you. I will.
PIXELBREAKER: Explore, enjoy.