Tuesday, July 13, 2004
arachnaglisten: Spider Mix CD 2
5. Muddy Waters - "Mean Red Spider"
Tuwa: More good stuff.
Brian: Old beautiful Muddy.
Mason: tick-tock-tick-tock. makes me think of a corner in chicago and a two-guitar/spoonman combo. "if i don't go crazy, i will surely lose my mind." :)
Yeah, that's a great quote. As the boys' silence suggests, Muddy hardly needs discussion or description; you just feel that shit and there you are.
Buy "The Anthology: 1947-1972" from Amazon
A great and reasonably priced introduction to Muddy with no filler at all.
Muddy's Kitchen is just one of the more offbeat niches of Waters' official website.
The American Masters Page
6. The Rolling Stones - "The Spider and the Fly"
Brian: Yuk. Bland. Derivative. A reason to hate the Stones if there aren't enough already.
Tuwa: The Stones. blecch. I'll give it points for not annoying me, so I like it more than most of what they do.
Yikes! There's not a whole lotta Stones love in the room! I'm hardly an afficianado, but early Stones is hard for me to argue with and calling them derivative strikes me as a bit disingenous; they WERE something of a cover band in the early days. Is the backlash more about what the Stones are doing these days or do you guys generally dislike ALL their action?
Mason: this one was inevitable. my dad likes this song a lot. i guess i do too. i am secretly hoping this will be the last blooze track here.
Yeah, that's it for the blues. Spiders are some depressing arachnids, ain't they? We'll have to pick up the pace from here on in.
I never noticed 'till I listened to that first guitar lick, but the Stripes may have inadvertently lifted something from here for "Cold Cold Night". 'Course, the Stripes have lifted a GREAT DEAL from early Stones, but that's another post.
Buy "Out of Our Heads: Remastered" from Amazon
Among their very best.
The Stones home on the web
Can't say I've been drawn to much of anything they've done for quite awhile, tho'...
Beggar's Banquet Online
Early 'Zine gone digital.
The Spider and the Fly
7. Fantomas - "Spider Baby"
Tuwa: This reminds me of Mr. Bungle, which is not a good thing. Also I can't tell if they're being earnest or if it's deliberately campy. Is this a satire of heavy metal? Is it an irony-impaired homage to Spinal Tap? Who's the producer, Dr. Frankenstein? I picture him cackling maniacally as he raises the masters to the roof, lightning flashing overhead. I'll be in the mob of villagers at the end, carrying a torch.
Brian: Scary Mike Patton. OOooooooooo. Fantomas. Goofy and creepy at the same time. That's what makes it (and him) great.
Mason: oh no, scary! cannibal spiders! someone should make a video for this song if it doesn't
already exist.
I got HEAVY into Mike Patton in high school. I acknowledge that he's a love him or hate him prospect and I'm not going to be the annoying guy forcing you to listen to one more track. Heck, I've mostly tired of his Zappa-tista schtick myself but he's fun to return to every once and again.
Buy Director's Cut from Amazon.
Who is Fantomas? Find out more about the namesake and then check out Ipecac Records for background on the band.
Bungle to Fantomas: Six Degrees of Mike Patton
Spider Baby?
Put it on your Netflix queue; I've seen it and it's totally worth your time.
Deadly Spider Baby.
VERY tired. More interesting post tomorrow, most likely.