Friday, July 16, 2004
arachnaglisten: spider CD 5
13. Ce'Cile - "Spider (Bushy Bushy Riddim)"
Tuwa: Nice groove. Love the interplay between the guitar, distorted bass, and percussion.
Brian: Yuk. She's a bad gal alright and a worse musician.
Mason: smart like macguyvah. this one's kinda boring. sorry. probably out of context.
'Twas sexy, sexy Fluxblog who turned me on to Ce'Cile and much thanks are in order. Everything that comes out of this woman is sexy, hard, vicious and sharp as a titanium razor. Make it dutty, gyal!
Buy "Bushy Bushy Riddim" from Amazon.
Be warned: this is a compilation of tracks, not a Ce'Cile album. I will admit to not having heard anything else but this cut, so you pays your money and takes your chances. This review suggest it's fairly strong, tho'.
Ce'Cile's official site where you can listen to realaudio of the upcoming album and I got to say that everything here is BUH-lazin'. Go lap it up; it's worth finding a RA doppleganger for this.
Seriously. Go get it.
I'll wait for you.
The combination of sweet riddims, Maxim quality cleavage and swift singin and spittin' leads me to venture a guess that when her debut, Bad Gyal FINALLY drops an American release this Summer (ah hopes ah hopes) that it will blow up like th' Godfather. I'll buy the first copy I see. In the meantime, my Brit readers are strongly encouraged to drop some tracks on me.
Can anybody explain to me why this has been so long in hitting the street? Online street dates have this hitting in '03! What gives? Is D. Vinyl mistreating this gyal?
Feature article at Reggae Review
The Guardian Article
Interview at XLR8R
14. RZA and ODB - "Kiss of a Black Widow"
Tuwa: RZA. When he connects, he knocks it to the bleachers. This one did not make it to the bleachers. Is he listening to the backing music? He's rapping like a square peg into a round hole.
Brian: No.
Mason: this shit is rough. 1:30 in and still no spider content. oh wait, black widow. omg, the blues thing comes first circle? probably not, but that would be pretty cool.
I continue to hold fast in my belief that the Bobby Digital album is horribly underrated. Admittedly, this track isn't quite top of the RZA but the freestyle ODB action (as always) makes it extra-curious.
"I axed my momma, she don't know..."
Buy Bobby Digital from Amazon.
DL RZA music from WuTangCorp.
Worth registering for.
A recent RZA interview and an older interview about the Bob Digi project.
In an attempt to try to pull back the throttle on bandwidth, time and my blogging patience/longevity/sanity: I'm going to cut back to two songs a post from here on in.
Volume of music struck me as optimally important when I started; now that there's so very many musicblogs and so very much to choose from, I'd rather give you less and hope that you actually listen.
This also makes life a little easier for me; the next three mix CD's should give me about two months of posts.
Incidentally, we got spider music for a whole 'nother week. Hope the creepy crawlies ain't tripping you out already; more's on the way.
A brief glance over my blogroll to the right will alert you to some new folks that I'm starting to contribute to. I already told you about the Square Table popsingle groupreviews over at NYLPM (there should be a new one up today: Usher's "Burn"; suffice it to say I'm not impressed...); I'm very proud to announce that I'm going to start contributing to the always rewarding MUSIC FOR ROBOTS.
Now why would I do this? Obviously MfR is great, but why franchise the Tofu out? Well, I'm going to be sticking to this mix CD format for the foreseeable future but I know myself well enough to recognize that I'll certainly get wild hairs and offbeat interests that I'm dying to see hyped. Rather than clog up this spot with my meaningless rambling; I'll take my cuts over to MfR and clog up THEIR spot with my meaningless rambling. Let's call it equal opportunity dumbassedness on my part.
I'll make a note over here when there's a new post of mine over there so you can stop by. And hey, you really SHOULD be stopping by MfR on the daily anyway. The Grover/Belafonte/Black Orpheus post alone will twist your heart in a knot and set your tympanic nerve on fire.
Though I deeply disagree with a great deal of his politics and I have a kneejerk fit whenever I see anybody whose homepage links directly to Ann Coulter or Ayn Rand, when it comes to the topic of fair use and copyright laws I must say I side with Mr. Barger.
There will be the obligatory new musicblog update over the weekend, but I'm elated to welcome one promising young newbie into the fold: Radio KRUD is a MfR style group blog that just got my eternal gratitude by turning me onto the excitement that is the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.
The design is slick, the writing is affable and full of personality and the musical selections thus far are excellent. High hopes for the future; why not go check 'em out?
Loads more to discuss: the Oddio Overplay writing assignment and likely Moondog meetup, the sweet package of freebie stuff from Yellow Rat Bastard, the sudden influx of friendly email (keep it coming; I'm loving it!); the "how-to-make-and- maintain-a-musicblog" primer I'm writing to be posted very very soon here at the Hut; the potential site redesign (I have men on the case!); a possible column at Better Propaganda... Nothing here pays the rent (or even a slice of pizza) but it's all fairly exciting and fun.
Have a great weekend; I'll check in for some DIAGNOSTICS and further conversation over the weekend most likely. Spider fun to resume on Monday regardless.