Monday, November 01, 2004
glistening by the numbers: SIX
The Gories - "Six Cold Feet"
41: what wonderful (actually woeful) wailing both instrumentally and vocally and it's hailing and depressing both of me schizophrenically and openly. Not my stuff.
Avi: A good guitar tone does not save this from being a total waste of time. There's absolutely no dynamics, no drama. Even when the dude finally gets around to shouting out the song title, it lacks the passion it needs to make it provoke any sort of emotional response. It doesn't help that there's some serious guitar flubs either.
Lee: Not a big fan of the sloppy, swampy bluesy stuff. This would be good on a soundtrack, though...I had it on in the background and I didn't notice when it started or when it finished.
Jamie: Hadn't heard of these guys, now see they're another Detroit band to check out further (weakness for music from the Motor City, having grown up within its shadow). Vocals have a touch of John Lee Hooker, music feels like it belongs in a heist movie.
Rosecrans: Oooh I love this. I want more of this even though I've never heard of them. I want them playing the day a gang of bezerkers kills my family in front of me and I have to start a 3,000-mile trek to get my revenge.
This Detroit based band is one of Jack White's idols; one listen will tell you why.
With equal grounding in Leadbelly and Nick Cave, the Gories rough and ready honkytonk rock hits with the force of a steel toe boot and doesn't stop kicking. Mean, ugly stuff; nothing you'd want to quit smoking to, but awful good to start.
Buy "I Know You Fine, But How You Doin'?", the second album from the Gories, direct from Crypt records on CD or vinyl!
Read this history of the band... in English or Italian.
Scroll down this Gories page to "Various #2" for an obsessive history and interview with Mick Collins, the Gories frontman.
The Silly Surfers (Jimmie Haskell and Gary Usher) - "Hodad Makin' the Scene with a Six Pack"
This track was originally featured in the highly recommended Basic Hip Digital Oddio, in a post on the "Music to Make Models By" LP. That record was a promo for Testor's mid-sixties line of surfer 'gag' model kits done in the style of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth.
I'm a pure sucker for novelty music and the clankety shuffle of this surfin' sound is iconic and absurd enough to hook me right in.
Poor hodad. Seaweed cola leaves a hella nasty aftertaste.
Read this interview with composer Jimmie Haskell.
Explore this Gary Usher fansite.
Check out these surfer model kits with a for real "Hodad making the scene".
Media of the day: GTA: San Andreas and the Fat Lip documentary in the Spike Jonze Directors Series.
MP3s of forty years of winners of the World Livestock Auctioneer Championships.
Anybody who remixes any of this gets it posted in the Hut and gets a kiss and a cookie.
Pseudopodium steps up with a luverly collection of tunes from G. Clinton, Memphis Slim, Bo Diddley and that's just for starters. Slow your roll and peek in.
The saga of George W. Pussy continues:
"Dear John Tofu (cf. John Kerry, John Edwards),
Thx for posting the stuff about me on the happy Hut---but I now have an actual video, shot for under $200.01 today in the rain in about an hour's total shooting time. (I'd do a more elaborate video, but various videographers have cut out on me, and I gotta get something out before 11/2...) Hope you enjoy the attached vid. I hope it's not ill-omened by being released on the same day as the new Osama video. Am having tech problems with Quicktime, so can't save it or post it on my site, but I'm working on it. Feel free to mail/forward/whatever as desired. I don't know how to get this to anyone at MTV/VH1/ BET, tho I did give a copy to the visiting Chris Heinz and hanger-on Jake Gyllenhaal today in Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Chris said he'll play it on their tour bus, but what that'll lead to if anything I dunno...)
Could help influence election if makes mass media before Nov. 2. :) :B . Well. Feel free to contribute ideas etc.
Hope all going spiffy with you and yours,
Cordially as ever,
David Boyle"
You can argue about the quality of the production values, but the tip of the hat to "Subterranean" is noteworthy.
David Boyle's 'GWP' video
I'm taking it down in a day or two so get it now and let's spread the word.
Born Backwards is taking the early route and bitching BEFORE the ballots are cast.
The boys over there have an excellent genre spanning collection of post-2000 protest songs. And how appropriate when there are only two days to the recount.
Start preparing for the coming apocalypse now: download as much bottled water and kerosene as you can and make room in the fallout shelter for me. I'll try to blog through to the end; when alien cultures touch down, they'll certainly need to read my pith and vinegar squeals of fear and luxury to get a sense of the horror! The horror!
Anyway. Vote, America. And vote for Kerry too, you crazy bastards. 'Nuff said.
I'll see you tomorrow with lucky seven and in 72 hours in a new world, god willing.
If not? Hold me.